Max-planck-institut F Ur Informatik Set Constraints Are the Monadic Class K I N F O R M a T I K Im Stadtwald W 6600 Saarbr Ucken Germany Authors' Addresses
We investigate the relationship between set constraints and the monadic class of rst-order formulas and show that set constraints are essentially equivalent to the monadic class. From this equivalence we can infer that the satis ability problem for set constraints is complete for NEXPTIME. More precisely, we prove that this problem has a lower bound of NTIME(cn= logn). The relationship between set constraints and the monadic class also gives us decidability and complexity results for certain practically useful extensions of set constraints, in particular \negative projections" and subterm equality tests.
منابع مشابه
Max-planck-institut F Ur Informatik Middle-out Reasoning for Logic Program Synthesis K I N F O R M a T I K Im Stadtwald D 66123 Saarbr Ucken Germany Authors' Addresses
Logic programs can be synthesized as a by-product of the planning of their veri cation proofs. This is achieved by using higher-order variables at the proof planning level, which become instantiated in the course of planning. We illustrate two uses of such variables in proof planning for program synthesis, one for synthesis proper and one for the selection of induction schemes. We demonstrate t...
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In this paper we consider the following problem given two general polyhedra of complexity n one of which is moving translationally or rotating about a xed axis determine the rst collision if any between them We present an algorithm with running time O n for the case of translational movements and running time O n for rotational movements where is an arbitrary positive constant This is the rst k...
متن کاملMax-planck-institut F Ur Informatik an Abstract Program Generation Logic K I N F O R M a T I K Im Stadtwald D 66123 Saarbr Ucken Germany Authors' Addresses
We present a system for representing programs as proofs which combines features of classical and constructive logic We present the syntax semantics and inference rules of the system and establish soundness and consistency The system is based on an unspeci ed underlying logic possessing certain properties We show how proofs in this system can be systematically converted to programs in a class of...
متن کاملMax-planck-institut F Ur Informatik Termination Orderings for Rippling K I N F O R M a T I K Im Stadtwald D 66123 Saarbr Ucken Germany Authors' Addresses Publication Notes
Rippling is a special type of rewriting developed for inductive theorem proving Bundy et al have shown that rippling terminates by providing a well founded order for the annotated rewrite rules used by rippling Here we simplify and generalize this order thereby enlarging the class of rewrite rules that can be used In addition we extend the power of rippling by proposing new domain dependent ord...
متن کاملMax-planck-institut F Ur Informatik Linear 0 -1 Inequalities and Extended Clauses K I N F O R M a T I K Im Stadtwald D 66123 Saarbr Ucken Germany Author's Address
Extended clauses are the basic formulas of the 0-1 constraint solver for the constraint logic programming language CLP(PB). We present a method for transforming an arbitrary linear 0-1 inequality into a set of extended clauses, such that the solution space remains invariant. After applying well-known linearization techniques on non-linear 0-1 constraints followed by the presented transformation...
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